Nomination for the Sunshine Blogger Award

I was nominated for the Sunshine Blogger Award and I am beyond honored and so excited!

My 5 Favorite Reading Kindle Apps for Kids

My kids love the Kindle. They are not on it 24/7 but we do have a lot of games for them at their disposal. I choose all their Kindle games. Whatever the games are I have 100% control over. I also do not pay for any games, even for myself. While my kids are outsideContinue reading “My 5 Favorite Reading Kindle Apps for Kids”

10 Careers for At Home Mums

I am a stay at home mother but I have always worked. Some may call that a work at home mother (WAHM) but I never really see it as that. First and foremost, I am a stay at home mum. I homeschool my 4 kids, I volunteer, I help organize a local homeschool co-op, IContinue reading “10 Careers for At Home Mums”

Easy Spice Muffins

Food is not cheap. Making things that are good and from scratch is the way to save a lot of money, feed the family easily, and still be satisfied. Here is my Spice Muffin recipe which takes little ingredients, is easy to change, and the kiddos would love to help! I haven’t met someone whoContinue reading “Easy Spice Muffins”