New Book: You are Wondrous

‘A beautiful work of art, both in poetry and artwork, from the deepest corners of a mother’s heart.” -Kat Caldwell author of An Audience with the King and Push a Pencil (Maine, February 29 2020) Ashley Elizabeth Mitchell has released a new children’s book, ‘You are Wondrous’ now available for purchase from most online stores. ‘YouContinue reading “New Book: You are Wondrous”

ABC’s of Starting the New School Year

August is looming. The summer is hot and we are wondering how much longer must we suffer. Ok, maybe it is just me who is wondering that. I hate summer :p. Nonetheless, we cannot deny that the new school year is coming. It is looming. It will be here. Whether you are a homeschooler, likeContinue reading “ABC’s of Starting the New School Year”

10 Reasons to Try Homeschooling Before School Starts

I hear a lot of excuses for why people do not homeschool. Those excuses are always followed simply by me telling someone I homeschool. While I am not judging you for sending your kids to a traditional school and while I could care less for your reasons why you do not homeschool (see 10 Things HomeschoolContinue reading “10 Reasons to Try Homeschooling Before School Starts”

Lesson: Saola

The Saola is also known as the Asian Unicorn. We studied Saola’s in co-op and here is how we did it. First, Saola is a very rare and endangered animal. It cannot live in captivity. This animal was discovered in 1992 and we are still learning a lot about it. It is very hard toContinue reading “Lesson: Saola”

5 Homeschool Things Worth Paying For

I’m a cheap mum. Anytime I have to spend any money it is the end of the world. That can make just living normally frustrating for those around me. I’m a frugal gal and I’m really good at it. I’ll have to admit though, one of my most favorite things about homeschooling is shopping! You’veContinue reading “5 Homeschool Things Worth Paying For”

ABCmouse Spring $45 Sale!

1 Year of ABCmouse for $45! That is 62% Off! This is an awesome sale! The ABC Mouse program has been beyond vital for my family and our homeschooling journey. My public school going family members have also had amazing success with the ABC Mouse Program. The $45 Sale will run from March 28th –Continue reading “ABCmouse Spring $45 Sale!”

TeenPact Study Guide

My daughter is off to her first TeenPact event next week and I cannot believe it! We are so excited and a little bit nervous. We will be attending Maine’s one-day TeenPact class in Augusta for ages 8-12. If you do not know what TeenPact you can learn about it here:  TeenPact is designedContinue reading “TeenPact Study Guide”

10 Things Homeschool Mums Want School Mums to Know

10 Things Homeschool Mums Want School Mums to Know There seems to be a misconception that homeschool mums and schooling mums are somehow different. Like somehow we were born homeschool mums and there is a huge biological difference between homeschool and schooling mums. Guess what? We are not separate subspecies. Alas, we are not andContinue reading “10 Things Homeschool Mums Want School Mums to Know”

10 Saint Joseph Day Resources

Today is the Solemnity of Saint Joseph. Sure, it falls right in the middle of lent but that is no reason why we can’t celebrate! I don’t know about you but I needed some ideas on how to celebrate with my kiddos and make it fun. Here are the 10 resources I found and loved.Continue reading “10 Saint Joseph Day Resources”

10 Ways to Organize Your Homeschool Supplies

Oh My Goodness!!!! How do you have a large family, homeschool, and stay organized?! It is a challenge, and trust me I fail, but here are a few things that make a big difference. 1. Farmhouse Wire Tiered Stand 23.00 Not just for fruit anymore. We have markers, crayons, pencils, etc. A mini writing andContinue reading “10 Ways to Organize Your Homeschool Supplies”