Review: Lies Homeschooling Moms Believe

I recently read the book Lies Homeschooling Moms Believe by Todd Wilson.  I finished the book very quickly. I would not consider this a must-read book. If you have the spare time or nothing else to read then this book may be fine. This book is not for the easily insulted. When I started reading thisContinue reading “Review: Lies Homeschooling Moms Believe”

Nomination for the Sunshine Blogger Award

I was nominated for the Sunshine Blogger Award and I am beyond honored and so excited!

Homeschooling and Pregnancy

Is it just me or are homeschool mums pregnant all the time? I’m kidding! But since I am a mother of 4 it sure feels that way!  So how is it possible to homeschool and recover from birth? The answer is not to push yourself toward unrealistic terms. I am very surprised by the numberContinue reading “Homeschooling and Pregnancy”

Biblical Birth Affirmations

Before I was blogging monthly I was a doula, I still am. I love being a doula very much. I love supporting women and their families and helping them achieve their goals and filling their lives with the support they want or need. I love my work so much. When I was thinking about anContinue reading “Biblical Birth Affirmations”

My 5 Favorite Reading Kindle Apps for Kids

My kids love the Kindle. They are not on it 24/7 but we do have a lot of games for them at their disposal. I choose all their Kindle games. Whatever the games are I have 100% control over. I also do not pay for any games, even for myself. While my kids are outsideContinue reading “My 5 Favorite Reading Kindle Apps for Kids”

Pray for Those Who Hurt You

“But I say to you, love your enemies, and pray for those who persecute you.” (Matthew 5:44) I was at a community mothers group today and the topic of conversation was forgiveness. We were watching the 20/20/ Parenting series by Julie Richard which we have been working through for some time. After our video and wonderful conversation,Continue reading “Pray for Those Who Hurt You”

Christmas With a Newborn

  I have four children now. Four children at Christmas. Does that sound terrifying? A little, yes. Having rules and boundaries help though. I learned very quickly that it is ok to say no, make sure you say no, and the anger and tears are over in about five minutes. That makes all the holidaysContinue reading “Christmas With a Newborn”